
MotorTron works and is a member of a number of different institutes and associations based across the world.

The AVI (Association of Vehicle Installers)

MOTORTRON LIMITED is a member of the Association of Vehicle Installers. The correct installation of aftermarket products will ensure optimum performance, customer satisfaction and safeguard the integrity of the vehicle.

The Association of Vehicle Installers, operate IMI Accredited courses, and an ongoing Continual Professional Development programme for aftermarket Auto-Electricians and Converters.

The Development programme covers all aspects of Aftermarket Auto Electrical installations including:

  •  Telemetry
  •  Audio
  •  Security
  •  Video
  •  Driver Aids
  •  Communications

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

CILT brings together professionals from across the logistics, transport and supply chain industry thereby providing members with a fantastic opportunity to build new relationships and contacts.


TAPA EMEA is the leading supply chain security and resilience industry Association in the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region.  Being a member means we share common interests with companies and organisations as opposed to individuals, each with a designated number of TAPA EMEA representatives.  The TAPA EMEA Family consists of leading brands and SMEs with a shared commitment to the highest standards of supply
chain security and resilience.